Youth will start in April
Youth Year-End Tournament - TBA End of June
U5 (2020-*2021) 6 sessions
U7 (2018-2019) 8 sessions
U9 (2016-2017) 16 sessions + 3 guaranteed playoff games
U11 (2014-2015) 16 sessions + 3 guaranteed playoff games
U13 (2012-2013) 16 sessions + 3 guaranteed playoff games
U15 (2010-2011) 16 sessions + 3 guaranteed playoff games
U18 (2007-2008-2009) 16 sessions + 3 guaranteed playoff games
*DOB cut-off is July 31, 2020 (must be 4 years old by this date)
**Please note that we've added 2 more sessions for U5 and 4 more sessions for U9 plus play-offs.
U5 $110 / player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
U7 $125 / player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
U9 $325 / player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
U11 $325 / per player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
U13 $325 / per player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
U15 $325 / per player (+ GST and $25 processing fee)
As with 95 percent of the other sports programs around Grande Prairie, we're also charging a processing fee. This fee covers the initial hours it takes to organize all the players and teams and extra credit card fees.
Yes, but only U18. We don't allow full teams to register for any other Youth division. We are hoping to add a competitive league for teams in the next year or two.
Hockey Gloves, a CSA-approved helmet with a full cage, a Hockey Stick, Soccer Shin Pads, Soccer Socks and shorts, and supportive indoor running shoes.
Yes, the league supplies youth division jerseys, which must be returned to the league at the end of the season. Each team will have a jersey bag and will need a jersey parent.
Yes, we will be rotating goalies in these divisions.
We strongly suggest that if your child wants to be a full-time goalie, they have their own equipment, including a CSA-approved ice hockey helmet, goalie pads, blocker, glove, chest protector & goalie stick.
We do provide goalie gear for any U5-U11 player wanting to try this position.
Yes, but this is up to the team. If you are interested, you can contact Dave Barr Arena or Sexsmith Arena to request a floor time. The cost is up to the team's parent group.
If the league feels there is a team that is stronger than others, it has the right to move players to make it more enjoyable for all kids. We will do this within the first four games. Coaches, if you feel your team is weaker than others, please contact the admin. Parents, if you are concerned with your team, you need to speak with your coaches, and they will contact the admin.
Yes, We understand that friend requests are usually for driving purposes. We allow only 1 friend request and both parties must email admin ask for the request. Please be aware that we have the right to move kids on teams if teams are not even.
*Some exceptions may be considered, depending on location.
Yes! Each youth team requires at least one coach and one managing parent. Please register online.
*Before the season starts, each coach must submit a criminal record check from the RCMP issued within the last 18 months. If you need to get one done, you can print our CNG volunteer criminal record check form under "Forms" and take it to the RCMP.
Yes, we do. If you are interested, please email
Currently, we play out of Dave Barr and Sexsmith Arena. Depending on registration numbers, there is potential for additional rinks.
YES. Please use the 24-hour rule when having an issue with your game or your child's game. This includes any problems with parents, other coaches, referees, scorekeepers, or other players and teams.
Youth teams MUST go through their team coach. We receive many emails per day, so using those proper channels will enable you to get your questions answered sooner.
Easter Long Weekend
Mother's Day (If games are scheduled for Sundays)
Victoria Day Weekend
Father's Day (If games are scheduled for Sundays)
Canada Day (Men's & Women's)
Men's will start the week of April 8
Women's will start the week of April 8
Men's team fees: $4000.00 + GST and $25.00 processing fee
Women's Team fees: $3500.00 + GST and $25.00 processing fee
Hockey gloves, CSA-approved helmet, hockey stick & team jersey.
*New rule as of this year: shin pads are now mandatory for ALL players!
We will be using the CBHA rule book and officials' training program.
Once again, we will mirror CBHA.
The division will mirror CBHA for men's and women's. We will do our best to have a parody and make adjustments if need be. Original tiering will be based on previous seasons and the player's previous experience.
Yes, we do. If you are interested, please email
Men's and women's teams supply their own jerseys.
Women play on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Men play on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Friday and Sunday evenings will be on an as-needed basis.
No, but if we get enough teams interested in filling a division, we will have one.
Due to the 1000+ players registered to play ball hockey, we are unable to play at just one rink. The Dave Barr Arena is the only rink available for ball hockey in Grande Prairie. We also use the Sexsmith Arena to be able to accommodate our players and allow for earlier floor times for our youth program.
We run our youth program earlier in the evenings, and the men's and women's runs after the youth until 11:00 p.m. every evening (except Saturday). We are also sharing floor space with other programs. We are trying to come up with ways to eliminate the late games whenever possible.
The money will be going to the youth program as seen fit. We will also help families who can't afford to play ball hockey. The money does NOT go into our pockets.
Yes. Please see the rules & regulations on how it works.
If you feel like your team's STATS are incorrect, please talk to the ref at the end of your game. If you notice it later, we ask you to please contact . At that point, we will look at the game sheets and the information you send. Not all requests to change stats will be applied. Please note that it can take up to 48+ hours to change stats.
YES. Please use the 24-hour rule when having an issue with your game. This includes any issues with referees, scorekeepers, or other players and teams.
NO. Teams are not allowed to affiliate players whatsoever. Once you are on a team, there is no playing for anyone else. However, goalies can sub for up to 5 games for another team as long as they don't move down a division to do so. A team can pick up to 3 goalies.
Yes, as long as they haven't played for any other team this year. They must play 5 men's or 4 women's games, in order to play in playoffs.
Yes, rosters will be frozen after the 10th game, so make sure yours is up to date!
Men's and women's teams should contact their team captain. We receive many emails, so using the proper channels will enable you to get your questions answered sooner.
No. If a player is signed to the team roster, they have to stay with that team for the remainder of the season. There is no jumping from the roster to the roster.
No. The only person on your team who is allowed to affiliate/sub for another team is your regular goalie, not a player who is your backup goalie.
North Peace Ball Hockey is a private company that isn't paired with any other league in Alberta. We run this league privately but we do communicate with other leagues for suggestions and ideas. We are also part of AMBHA and WRBHA.
Easter Long Weekend
Mother's Day (If games are scheduled for Sundays)
Victoria Day Weekend
Father's Day (If games are scheduled for Sundays)
Canada Day (Men's & Women's)
March 10, 2024 (9 am-3 pm)
March 10th after the ref clinic (3:30 pm-4:30 pm)
No, as of right now, we do not have any CO-ED divisions.
Currently, we play out of Dave Barr and Sexsmith Arena. Depending on registration numbers, there is potential for additional rinks.
We will be following the AHS COVID guidelines.
North Peace Cancellation Policy:
Up to one week prior to the start of the program:
Full refund minus a 5% administrative fee.
From 1 week to 72 hours prior to start of the program:
Full refund minus 10% administrative fee.
From 72 hours to the start of the program:
North Peace SEASON Refund Policy
In the event that the North Peace Ball Hockey season is cancelled, we will prorate the number of games and withhold 3% of full registration fees to cover our administration costs, credit card fees, supplies, etc. If refunds are necessary, they will be applied back to the payment method provided at the time of registration.